The tide is turning: Amnesty joins in naming “apartheid”

The Amnesty International report on Israel apartheid was released today, February 1, 2022.

Amnesty joins Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem in naming

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Amnesty International has analysed Israel’s intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians and examined its key components: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control; dispossession of land and property; and denial of economic and social rights. It has concluded that this system amounts to apartheid. Israel must dismantle this cruel system and the international community must pressure it to do so. All those with jurisdiction over the crimes committed to maintain the system should investigate them.

Amnesty International

Press release

Sign the petition “Demolish Apartheid not Palestinian homes

The full report that you can download (210 pages)

A 90 minutes course “deconstructing Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians” that you can share in your network

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