Tag - Sanctions

Anti-Sanctions Book Tour Canada, April 2023

During April 2023, an anti-sanctions book tour took place in Hamilton. Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, as well as a webinar. You can watch the webinar and materials to learn more about Canada's use of sanctions, and to purchase the book...

NDP votes to sanction Israel 

At the party’s ongoing convention delegates voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestine Resolution. It calls for “Ending all trade and economic cooperation with illegal settlements in Israel-Palestine” and “Suspending the bilateral trade of all arms and related materials with the State of...

Sanctions regardless of Annexation

Just Peace Advocates states emphatically that the Canadian government needs to follow its own domestic law and accountability to international law, and put sanctions on place regardless of annexation threats or the realization of these threats.

Canada Security Council Defeat: International community rejects anti-Palestinianism

The Trudeau government’s anti-Palestinian voting record at the UN undoubtedly contributed to its failure to gain a seat on the Security Council. Deputy Minister Freeland said Canada would be an "asset" for Israel. Canada should be an "asset" for...

Gaza2020 Lift the Closure

This June, Palestinians mark 13 years since the start of the Gaza closure. In 2018, Just Peace Advocates with Al-Haq began the Gaza2020 campaign in Canada. In 2019 we made a clear call to the Canadian to place sanctions on...