Tag - #NoCanadians4IDF

Pro-Israel group cancels event on Toronto university campus with IDF commander

It seems the SSI (Students Supporting Israel) at Toronto Metropolitan University cancelled their own event with an career Israeli military commander.

No Israeli Military Visits in Canada

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Lt. Col. Eyal Dror is scheduled to speak at multiple locations across Canada in the coming days. He will be at two university campuses, Toronto Metropolitan on March 27 and University of Manitoba on March 28. As similar...

Stop Illegal Israeli military recruiting in Canada and South Africa

Both Canada and South Africa have both taken forward legal complaints regarding illegal Israeli military recruiting in Canada and South Africa.

Canadians residents & citizens
Three Parliamentary Petitions
that you may wish to sign

#CanadaStopArming Saudi 

Parliamentary Petition E-3775

No War on Yemen

Canada Don't BuyFighter JetsParliamentary PetitionE-3821

Parliamentary Petition E-3810Investigate illegal Israeli military recruiting

Parliamentary Petition E-3810

Citizens and residents of Canada, are invited to call upon the Minister of Justice to undertake a thorough investigation of those who have recruited or facilitated recruiting for the Israel Defense Forces, and, if warranted, lay charges against those involved in recruiting...

Toronto police prioritize washable paint, ignore Israel consul’s violations of federal Foreign Enlistment Act

The Toronto Police reaction highlights the impunity with which Israel is favoured in Canada.  Israeli Consul General Galit Baram was listed as one of those who should be investigated for violating Canada’s Foreign Enlistment Act which states “Any person who, within Canada, recruits or otherwise induces any person . . ....

Recent Media: help protect Palestinians from Israeli war crimes by applying Canadian law

As Israel’s occupation forces escalate their violence against Palestinians Canada must apply its laws concerning support for foreign militaries. The Foreign Enlistment Act makes it illegal to induce or recruit for a foreign military and Canada Revenue Agency guidelines state that...

Media Release: Canada should respond to Israeli violence by applying its laws

The Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, Just Peace Advocates and thousands of Canadians want the federal government to apply Canadian laws concerning support for foreign militaries to help protect Palestinians from Israeli violence.

Nakba73: Hold Canadian government accountable to own laws.

As Israel’s occupation forces escalate their violence against Palestinians Canada must apply its laws concerning support for foreign militaries. Write letter to Minister Lametti and Lebouthillier and all MPs.

Matthew Green sponsors Parliamentary Petition to Investigate Illegal Israeli Military Recruiting

Take a minute citizens or residents of Canada to sign a petition to call upon the Minister of Justice to undertake a thorough investigation of those who have recruited or facilitated recruiting for the Israel Defense Forces, and, if warranted, lay charges against those involved...