Release: CRA Win for Palestine: Jewish National Fund revoked by Canada Revenue Agency

According to a statement JNF Canada released Thursday, the CRA has announced it will revoke the century-old organization’s charitable status. The reason reportedly given is its “support for...

Jewish Heritage Foundation of Canada 2023 CRA filing

Jewish Heritage Foundation of Canada (JHFC) is a registered charity in Canada governed by provisions of the Income Tax Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th...

Formal Complaint submitted to CRA: HESEG Foundation & its patron foundation

The Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation, a charitable foundation began by the founders of HESEG, has provided over $43 million to HESEG over the...

Rabble article: CRA asked to investigate charities supporting Israeli military

Taxpayer subsidized donations by Canadian charities may well be Canada’s most important contribution to Palestinian dispossession.  Just Peace Advocates has been using information available publicly for...

Canadian Charities supporting Palestine (2022)

Based on an ATIP request received in November 2023. BN/Registration NumberLegal nameSchedule 2 - Question 2 - Name of individual/organizationSchedule 2 - Question 2 - CountrySchedule...

Canadian Charities reporting donations to Israel in 2022

The following information has been provided through an ATIP received in November 2023, which showed over 140 Canadian organizations providing more than $132M Canadian to...

Canadian charitable funds to Palestine

What about funds to Palestine The ATIP indicated that organizations in occupied Palestine received $60M of charitable donations from Canadian charities over the last 5 years....

A dozen charities revoked in the last few years that were providing funds to Israel

Read more about charity donations to organizations in Israel. Revoked Charities There was information written in mainstream media about the revocation of...

Over $10B of charity donations to other countries over last 5 years

A recent access to information (ATIP) received by Just Peace Advocates indicated over $10.5 billion of Canadian tax-subsidized charitable funds have gone to other countries...

Release: Canadians must not subsidize anti-Palestinian pogroms 

Recently a formal complaint was submitted to the Canada Revenue Agency regarding Mizrachi Canada providing tax credits for donations to Kedumim, an illegal Israeli settlement...