
Rabble article: CRA asked to investigate charities supporting Israeli military

Taxpayer subsidized donations by Canadian charities may well be Canada’s most important contribution to Palestinian dispossession.  Just Peace Advocates has been using information available publicly for...

Canadian Charities providing money towards Palestinian dispossession

Check out information related to Canadian charities support of war crimes, apartheid and racism.

Canadian Charities supporting Palestine (2022)

Based on an ATIP request received in November 2023. BN/Registration NumberLegal nameSchedule 2 - Question 2 - Name of individual/organizationSchedule 2 - Question 2 - CountrySchedule...

Canadian charitable funds to Palestine

What about funds to Palestine The ATIP indicated that organizations in occupied Palestine received $60M of charitable donations from Canadian charities over the last 5 years....

Over $10B of charity donations to other countries over last 5 years

A recent access to information (ATIP) received by Just Peace Advocates indicated over $10.5 billion of Canadian tax-subsidized charitable funds have gone to other countries...

Colonialism is Not Charity: Defunding Palestinian racism

“Colonialism is not charity” will explore what may be Canada’s most important contribution to Palestinian dispossession. Under the cover of charity, organizations are bilking Canadian...

30+ groups tell the Canada Revenue Agency that colonialism is not charity

Over 30 organizations have joined a campaign to tell the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) a campaign to tell the Canada Revenue Agency that colonialism is...

Canada should remove charitable status from groups funding the Israeli army

January 2022: An Addendum to the July complaint has been filed with the CRA based on CZCA’s filings with the Revenue Agency released through an access to...