
Immediate Release: Canada joins Global Week of Action to End War in Ukraine, October 1-8, 2023

The Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network, made up of 49 organizations across Canada, is coordinating actions in eleven cities across Canada as part of the...

Webinar: Cluster bombs & depleted uranium weapons in Ukraine: Two more reasons to end the war NOW!”

Register for a webinar that is part of building momentum for a series of upcoming anti-war actions across the country. Just Peace Advocates is pleased to endorse...

Stop the War, Stop NATO! Opposing the 2023 NATO Summit

As NATO gathers for a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, we unite with pro-peace and anti-war actions occurring around the world at the same time to...

Jeffrey Sachs challenges Canadian policy on Ukraine

On May 3 world-renowned intellectual Jeffrey Sachs will speak to a Canadian audience about “The Path to Peace in Ukraine". He will be joined by University...

Stop the War, Stop NATO International Weekend of Action – February 23-26, 2023

As a member of the Canada-wide Peace and Justice Network, Just Peace Advocates is pleased to endorse this statement and related actions:

Press Release: Canada-wide day of action–no war with Russia & Canada out of NATO

Today across Canada, there are emergency rallies taking place in cities from Victoria to Montreal calling on the Trudeau government to de-escalate and demilitarize the...

Press Release: Trudeau Stokes Tensions with Russia: Antiwar rallies planned across country on Saturday

January 26 2022 (Montreal) -- Today the Trudeau government announced it will extend and expand Canada’s military mission to the Ukraine. The Libera’s have already...