Tag - Canada

Zionist Philanthropy and Palestinian Erasure: Jgive.com and the Mizrachi Organization of Canada, Miles Howe, June 11, 2024

by Dr. Miles Howe, June 11, 2024, published initially in State Crime Journal

Original publication: Author(s): Miles Howe 1 Publication date Pub: 11 June 2024 Journal: State Crime Journal Publisher: Pluto Journals Keywords: CharityZionismphilanthropic crimePalestinian sovereigntyCanada Zionist Philanthropy and Palestinian Erasure:...

At home and globally the media is reporting on Canada’s shameful human rights and international law record

Robert Assaly says "It seems that even when the chips are down, Canada choice remains Israel, over both international and Canadian law, at the expense of a rules-based order." Read the full article by Assaly, and other media coverage related to...