About Us

A Canadian based independent human rights organization promoting Just Peace/Paix Juste through the rule of law and respect for human rights in Canada and around the world for the Palestinian people and those that stand in solidarity for the human rights of the Palestinian people. Just Peace Advocates also has a specific focus on the realization of the self-determination of the people of Kashmir.

What We Do

  • Research
  • Monitoring
  • Education
  • Communications
  • Advocacy
  • Programs and Services

What's New

Our Core Work

Palestine olive tree

Justice Hub

One-stop accessible info to understand your rights and make informed decisions.Read More »

Communication Hub

The go-to for accurate analysis, and timely responses with regard to Kashmir and Palestine.Read More »

Advocacy Hub

Providing civil society voice  to hold our government, media, institutions and others accountable in relation to international law and human rights.Read More »
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Policy Hub

Research and analysis to support legal, communications and advocacy hubs.Read More »
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Action Hub

Campaigns and advocacy support; education/webinars; building alliances and networks in Canada and around the world.Read More »

Stay tuned for more campaigns and updated actions

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