No Military Law for Any Children Anywhere

Say No to Military Law for the Children of Palestine and Kashmir

Just Peace Advocates speaks out against military law being used regarding children.

The Defense for Children International-Palestine campaign, No Way to Treat a Child, calls for no torture or ill treatment of children under military law. 

Just Peace Advocates supports this Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) campaign in Canada.

Beyond supporting the No Way to Treat a Child campaign, Just Peace Advocates calls the Canadian government to introduce sanctions and a military embargo until Israel stops the systemic use of military law in regard to the children of Palestine. 

In Indian Occupied Kashmir, indication was that in the first 45 days of the lockdown over 13K children had been detained by the Indian army. This is a violation of international law, including the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child.

With thousands of Kashmiri children detained by India, Just Peace Advocates calls the Canadian government to introduce sanctions and a military embargo until India stops the systemic use of military law in regard to the children of Kashmir.

ACT: You are encouraged to Contact your own local member of parliament speaking out against military detention of children in Palestine and Kashmir.

The Defense for Children International-Palestine campaign, No Way to Treat a Child, calls for no torture or ill treatment of children under military law. 

Just Peace Advocates supports this Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) campaign in Canada.

To learn more check out this article.

See letter signed by 23+ members of Canadian elected members in the last Parliament

For information related to Palestine. Click here

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