News and Updates

Understanding the Jewish National Fund Canada Revocation

Jewish National Fund of Canada Inc. Has operated since 1967 as one of the main tools of indoctrination within the Zionist community, teaching generations of children to support Palestinian ethnic cleansing as a core spiritual component of the Jewish faith. Has enjoyed...

Release: CRA exposes Canadian subsidies for genocide

Immediate release August 27, 2024 CRA exposes Canadian subsidies for genocide Just released documents detailing the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) rationale for revoking the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF) and Ne'eman Foundation offer a window into the large sums of...

Who supports Mizrachi Canada

In the last five years an average of over 45% of funds came from other registered charities. The top 56 charity donors provided $26.6M from 2000-2021 to Mizrachi

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