News and Updates
Preserving the Palestinian Identity of East Jerusalem
The CCPRJ’s mission is to mobilize efforts, capacities and resources of Palestinian civil society in order to protect the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinians in Jerusalem as enshrined in international human rights and humanitarian law.
Canada vote at the UN since 1947 shows at best conditional support for Palestine
An overall analysis since 1947, has now been completed of Canada's United Nations voting record, by Just Peace Advocates, and it reminds us Canada's support over 73 years for Palestine at the UN has at best been conditional
Peace Groups call upon Canadian Government to condemn assassination of Iranian scientist
Just Peace Advocates, the Canadian Council for Justice and Peace and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute denounce the targeted assassination of Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Iran’s top nuclear scientist and physicist, in Tehran on November 27, 2020. We call upon the...
Canada’s voting at the United Nations 1947 onwards
An overall analysis since 1947, has now been completed of Canada’s United Nations voting record, by Just Peace Advocates, and it is a reminder of the longer picture. A picture that speaks to Canada’s at best conditional support regarding Palestine.
Canada vote at the UN since 1947 shows at best conditional support for Palestine
An overall analysis since 1947, has now been completed of Canada's United Nations voting record, by Just Peace Advocates, and it reminds us Canada's support over 73 years for Palestine at the UN has at best been conditional
The Threat to Al Quds/Jerusalem
Join our webinar on Sundary, December 6 at 13:00 ET for a discussions on threats to Masjid Al-Asqa, demographic changes underway in Al Quds/Jerusalem, house demolitions in East Jerusalem, evictions of Palestinians in Palestine and Israeli settlers in Holy City.
Ontario Attorney General Deputy confirms Order-in-Council relates to IHRA matters within the discretion of a Ministry of the Crown
Ontario Attorney General Deputy confirms Order-in-Council relates to IHRA matters within the discretion of a Ministry of the Crown
Complaint sent to the RCMP regarding Foreign Recruiting in Canada for the Israel Defense Forces
Subsequent to Justice Minister Lametti's indication the the prosecutor and police would follow up on the legal complaint provided to him regarding illegal Israeli military recruiting in Canada, the complaint has been sent to the RCMP.
OMNI Arab interview regarding illegal Israeli military recruiting in Canada
OMNI Arab language interview with Khaled Mouammar regarding illegal Israeli miiltary recruiting in Canada.
Legal & civil society organizations to say no IHRA
Legal and civil society organizations have come together to say Stop Bill 168. Bill 168 is being considered by the Ontario Legislative Standing Commitee on Justice Policy as the final process before it would move to third reading. ...