News and Updates


Preserving the Palestinian Identity of East Jerusalem

The CCPRJ’s mission is to mobilize efforts, capacities and resources of Palestinian civil society in order to protect the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinians in Jerusalem as enshrined in international human rights and humanitarian law.


Canada’s voting at the United Nations 1947 onwards

An overall analysis since 1947, has now been completed of Canada’s United Nations voting record, by Just Peace Advocates, and it is a reminder of the longer picture. A picture that speaks to Canada’s at best conditional support regarding Palestine.

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The Threat to Al Quds/Jerusalem

Join our webinar on Sundary, December 6 at 13:00 ET for a discussions on threats to Masjid Al-Asqa, demographic changes underway in Al Quds/Jerusalem, house demolitions in East Jerusalem, evictions of Palestinians in Palestine and Israeli settlers in Holy City.

Stay tuned for more campaigns and updated actions.