News and Updates


Highlights from 2020

2020 saw Just Peace Advocates launch comprehensive, accessible legal resources, provide leadership in the #NoUNSC4Canada, #Gaza2020, #NoCanadians4IDF and other campaigns. Undertake the first review of Canada's voting history at the UN since 1947. Launch of 4 parliamentary petitions, and over...

Over 2 million letters sent since April 2020

Just Peace Advocates hosted 30+ letter writing campaigns from April to December 2020, that reached well over 2M recipients, with 12,5+K letters sent. Several of these were with partners. Over 30 separate letters have been sent, including to the federal...

Israel’s vaccine apartheid

The COVID-19 vaccine has raised the hope for universal protection from the deadly virus. But its distribution is turning into a vaccine apartheid—from countries of the Global South volunteering for vaccine trials but not having access to the final products,...


Canada welcomes normalization between Israel and Morocco

On December 11, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs François-Philippe Champagne, tweeted: "Canada welcomes the announcement of the normalization of relations between #Morocco and #Israel. This is a positive step that will help strengthen ties." He added that "Canada's long-standing position...

Stay tuned for more campaigns and updated actions.