News and Updates
Liberal MP sponsors petition that calls his government to take steps required to stop Israel’s violations of international law
Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith sponsors petition to Canadian government to -take steps required to stop Israel’s violations of international law, including its continued building of settlements and forced displacement in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and to end...
Naming apartheid: Palestine, media coverage and the history of a term
CBC once again ignores international law.. Apartheid is not new. Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest said in 1972 in his "the Unholy Land" When are we going to stop saying this is new or worse, and learn lessons from history.
600+ have spoken, Urgent Action for Mohammed El Halabi, former World Vision director
Over 600 have written to Justice Minister Garneau calling for an urgent action for Mohammed El Halabi, former World Vision director. Mohammed el-Halabi was arrested in June 2016, and now is facing his 155-court appearance on January 31, 2021. In March...
Jonathan Kuttab website updated. Check it out!
Check out Jonathan is a co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq and co-founder of Nonviolence International. A well-known international human rights attorney, he practices law in the US, Palestine and Israel. He is...
Online Webinar, No Illegal Israeli Military Recruiting, Feb. 3/21, 1900 ET
On February 3, 2021, 1900 ET, a panel will discuss the illegal Israeli military recruiting happening in Canada.
Online Webinar, No Illegal Israeli Military Recruiting, Feb. 3/21, 1900 ET
On February 3, 2021, 1900 ET, a panel will discuss the illegal Israeli military recruiting happening in Canada.
500 sign within hours, a Goverment Petition Launched: Canada Stop Fueling the War on Yemen
Petition sponsored by NDP Hamilton Center Member of Parliament Matthew Green. Halt arms shipments to Saudi Arabia immediately. 2) Participate in international efforts to bring an immediate end to the deliberate Saudi-led attacks on civilians which constitute war crimes;....
PRESS RELEASE: Activists block trucks at company transporting weapons to Saudi Arabia, demand Canada stop fuelling war in Yemen
Just Peace Advocates joins 300 organizations form around the world to say #StopArmingSaudi #YemanCantWait. Read the reease about activists blocking trucks at company transproting weapons to Saudi Arabia, demanding Canada stop fuelling war in Yemen.
Towards A Nuclear Free World
Just Peace Advocates was pleased to join with the large network of organizations and individuals who joined to call for "a Nuclear Free World" and condemn Canada's failure to sign the multilateral treaty for nuclear disarmament that came into...
Baseless and misleading attack against the Canadian Arab Federation and a Muslim politician
It is unconscionable that the leader of the Bloc Quebecois is disseminating baseless and misleading information about the Canadian Arab Federation and Omar Alghabra, the newly-appointed Minister of Transport. The Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) was founded in 1967 and its first...