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justpeaceadvocates palestiine advocacy hub

Legal & civil society organizations to say no IHRA

Legal and civil society organizations have come together to say Stop Bill 168. Bill 168 is being considered by the Ontario Legislative Standing Commitee on Justice Policy as the final process before it would move to third reading. ...


No illegal Israeli military recruiting in Canada

Today, October 19, a complaint has been provided to Justice Minister Lametti, in regard to the illegal Israeli miliary recuriting happening in Canada. An open letter signed by Noam Chomsky, Roger Waters, Ken Loach, former MP Jim Manly, as well as...

Canadian media repression of Palestine

Take one minute and send a letter to public editors at the Toronto Star and Globe & Mail. Both the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star have treated the UofT Law withdrawal of an offer of employment to human rights...

Stay tuned for more campaigns and updated actions.