News and Updates
Media Alert: Two more Toronto Star articles flagged as needing corrections
The Toronto Star has been running what seems like more articles (AP) than usual during Ramadan 2022, but the language is very problematic. We have written about two more.
2022 Ramadan: Boycott Israeli dates. Break fast with Palestinian Medjoul
Learn more about what to consider when purchasing Medjoul Dates in Canada to ensure they are not from Israeli companies, and to ensure you are purchasing Palestinian product. Steps you can take, and tools to assist you in letting retailers know that you...
Apartheid-Free Zones and the Boycott/Shame List
We invite you to let us know about complicit companies and businesses, and to designate your organization or business an apartheid-free zone and list it here! Follow the links below to read the list of Apartheid-Free Zones, the List of...
Al-Aqsa Under Attack: Tell Bell Media it is not “clashes.” It is violation of international law.
Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque compound two times within 48 hours, on Friday, April 15 and Sunday, April 17. On Sunday Israeli forces attacked Palestinian worshipers in order to facilitate Jewish visits of the site for the Passover holiday....
#IVotePalestine, Ontario Provincial Election
Support #IVotePalestine: Ontario Provincial Election June 2, 2022
April 17: Palestinian Prisoner Day
Each year, April 17th marks Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, an international day of action, solidarity and resistance for the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners.
Easter Message “Constantinian Christianity” by Rev. Frances Combs
And why do this at Easter? Sometimes in the past the church has celebrated Easter quite separated from the life and teachings of Jesus and his crucifixion, and has celebrated Easter simply as the ‘triumph of our religion’, Christian triumphalism....
Press Release: Illegal Recruitment of Canadians for War in Ukraine
We note that, in the wake of the war hysteria over Ukraine that is gripping this country, respect for the rule of law is being over-ridden by government officials and is escalating the conflict. Therefore, we call on the Government...
Disappointing responses to Parliamentary Petitions
While it was reassuring that MP Erskine-Smith sponsored E-3679 parliamentary petition calling for Canada to take a stance of support regarding the six Palestinian based human rights groups designated as terrorist groups by Israel, and MP Salma Zahid sponsored a...
Challenging Corporate Complicity in the Continued Colonization of Palestine
This webinar will consider direct approaches to challenge corporate complicity in the continued colonization of Palestine. This will include judicial and non-judicial mechanisms in in the Canadian specific as well as broader international context.