News and Updates
50 day count down to World Cup, call FIFA to denounce Israeli apartheid
Israel has violated the principles of FIFA in a variety of ways that would normally warrant disciplinary actions and even a suspension of its membership. However, the politics of FIFA have prevented the organization in the past from taking such...
Toolkit for CPPIB 2022 stakeholder meetings
Toolkit to assist you in preparing for attending 2022 CPPIB stakeholder meetings.
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) October 2022 Stakeholder meetings
In anticipation of the Canada Public Pension Investment Boards’s (CPPIB) biennial public meeting this fall, we take this opportunity to call out its choice to invest in the destruction of the planet and human rights year after year. We will...
CDPQ investment in Israeli War Crimes is approaching 5% of the portfolio/Les investissements de la CDPQ dans les crimes de guerre israéliens approchent les 5 % de son portefeuille
The CDPQ December 31, 2021, year-end reports show investments in 10 companies with $3B fair-market value on the UN Data base as complicit with war crimes, along with about $10 B in other companies complicit with Israeli war crimes, and...
Just Peace Advocates is pleased to Co-present “Boycott” with “Blacklisted” at the 2022 Toronto Palestinian Film Festival
Boycott with Blacklisted co-presented with Just Peace Advocates, Sunday September 25 at 530 PM ET in Toronto live or virtually on line.
CPPIB: WSP’s Illegal Settlement Enterprise has been submitted to UN Database
Take one minute, and send a letter to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) with copy to Minister of Finance. Demand that CPPIB Divest from investments that support Israeli war crimes. The 2022 CPPIB Annual Report showed increased investments in Israeli war crimes with...
Take Action: Write to Canadian diplomat about human rights defender Hafez Huraini
Take one minute and write to the newly appointed Canadian Head of Mission in Ramallah, David Da Silva. Ask him to take all actions at his disposal to ensure Israel’s immediate and unconditional release of Palestinian human rights defender Hafez Huraini.
International Peace Day
The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network, an association of numerous organizations from coast to coast in Canada working for peace, calls for all peace-loving and concerned people to stand up and speak up for genuine and lasting peace on September...
105 منظمات تقدم لقاعدة بيانات الأمم المتحدة حول أنشطة شركة WSP في الاستيطان غير الشرعي، وتطالب مفوض الأمم المتحدة السامي لحقوق الإنسان بالتحقيق
قدمت اليوم منظمي الحق Al-Haq ومناصرون للسلام العادل Just Peace Advocates تقريراً للمفوض السامي لحقوق الإنسان للأمم المتحدة الجديد، فولكر تيرك، تدعو فيه إلى ضم شركة الخدمات الهندسية WSP Global Inc. الكندية، ومقرها في مدينة مونتريال، إلى قاعدة بيانات الأمم المتحدة...
No illegal Israeli military recruiting in Canada
Today, October 19, a complaint has been provided to Justice Minister Lametti, in regard to the illegal Israeli miliary recuriting happening in Canada. An open letter signed by Noam Chomsky, Roger Waters, Ken Loach, former MP Jim Manly, as well as...