Israeli forces detain Fawzi al-Juneidi

Military Recruiting by Foreign Government in Canada is Not Acceptable

Military recruiting on Canadian soil would seem to be in violation of Canadian law. The Foreign Enlistment Act R.S.C., 1985, c. F-28 indicates in regard to recruiting that:

11 (1) Any person who, within Canada, recruits or otherwise induces any person or body of persons to enlist or to accept any commission or engagement in the armed forces of any foreign state or other armed forces operating in that state is guilty of an offence. 

The exception is if a person is a national of another country but NOT a Canadian national. Specifically:

11 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the action of foreign consular or diplomatic officers or agents in enlisting persons who are nationals of the countries they represent and not Canadian nationals, in conformity with the regulations of the Governor in Council.

Send letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and your own member of parliament

For the letter that was sent during November 2019 recruiting at the Israeli Consulate in Toronto click here

Israeli forces detain Fawzi al-Juneidi

Photo: Israeli forces detain Fawzi al-Juneidi following clashes after protests in the West Bank city Hebron, 07 December 2017