Just Peace Advocates in solidarity with Jenin

On January 26, 2023, the Israeli military carried out a massacre in Jenin.

Forces killed nine Palestinian martyrs, including a 61-year-old woman.

The Israeli military denied medical attention to injured Palestinians.

Hospitals and makeshift clinics were cut off with Israeli snipers and tear gas attacks.

Israeli military forces stormed through the streets, targeting Palestinian civilian homes with live bullets while they used bulldozers to upset residents’ cars.

It was very much a deliberate callback to the 2002 Jenin massacre.

The following are the most recent details regarding the names of the martyrs of Jenin:

1- The martyr Ezz El-Din Yassin Zaid (19 years old) – from Jenin camp.
2- The martyr Saeb Essam Mahmoud Zreiki (26 years old).
3- The martyr Abdullah Marwan Al-Ghoul (18 years old).
4- Martyr Mohammad Sadeq Jarrar (23 years old)
5- Martyr Magda Obaid (61 years old)
6- Martyr Mutasim Mahmoud Abu Al-Hassan (21 years old) – Al-Yamoun
7- Martyr Amjad Aref Al-Jaas (22 years old) – Jenin camp
8- Martyr Nour Sami Ghoneim – Burqin
9- Martyr Mohammad Sami Ghoneim – Burqin

Note: two children: 17-year-old Abdullah Marwan Juma’a Mousa and 16-year-old Wasim Amjad Aref Abu Jaes

From DCIP:

An Israeli sniper shot Abdullah in the chest with live ammunition, then Israeli forces prevented an ambulance from reaching him for at least 10 minutes. An Israeli military vehicle ran over Wasim, and while our documentation indicates he was likely also shot by Israeli forces, his crush injuries were so extensive that doctors could not confirm if he sustained a gunshot wound. 

Read DCIP reporting on yesterday’s Israeli military incursion into Jenin refugee camp »

At least 20 were injured, some critically.

It is expected the number of the martyrs is expected to rise.

A general strike was called for across the West Bank. Palestinians have taken to the streets in thousands to mourn the martyrs, and to show resistance from the colonial borders of Gaza to checkpoints and military bases throughout occupied Palestine.

The attacks are combined with kidnappings and arrests — imprisonment and extrajudicial killing are the dual crimes of the colonizer.

Jenin is bleeding and resisting, refusing security coordination with the occupation and continuing to struggle, despite massacre after massacre, with the entire Palestinian people.

This latest massacre must wake us up–and lead us to take action and organize, to support the people of Palestine, people and their resistance struggle for justice and liberation.

Just Peace Advocates calls people to take actions to hold the Canadian government accountable, reminding them that Article 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention requires third party states to ensure the Convention is upheld. By not doing so, the Canadian government is complicit in the war crimes committed by Israel.

We call on people to insist the Canadian government take steps to audit and shut down those organizations sending charitable donations to settler, racist and military organizations in Israel. Colonialism is not charity.