Green party of Canada supports KSCAN’s call urging G20 members not to participate in meetings being held in Kashmir

On May 18th the Green Party of Canada (GCP) sent letter from Leader Elizabeth May and MP Mike Morrice to Minister of Foreign Affairs Joly sharing the concerns expressed by members of the Kashmir Scholars Consultative Action Network, an interdisciplinary group of scholars from various countries and regions engaged in research on the region of Kashmir about the G20 being held in Indian occupied India.

This group had joined with organizations from Canada and around the world, including Canadians for Peace and Justice in Kashmir, Just Peace Advocates, and Friends of Kashmir Canada, to urge Canada and other Group of Twenty (G20) Members to withdraw from G20 meetings scheduled to be held in the Indian-administered Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir) region.

The Green Party of Canada letter read “We join them in urging you to withdraw Canada’s delegates from these meetings in Kashmir” and indicated that “Canada’s attendance at India’s G20 meetings held in the Kashmir region risks lending inadvertent support and credibility to India’s historic and ongoing actions within the Kashmir region.”

Read the full letter below:

Close to 1,000 people have written Joly in this regard from across Canada and beyond. We have yet to hear any reply from Joly, but indication was Canada did travel to Indian occupied Kashmir for G20 meetings.

Write your own letter

Read more.

Photo credit: Mike Morrice campaign website