GC44 United Church of Canada Resolutions (2022)

Summary of the UCC GC44 resolutions

The summary of the resolutions at UCC GC44, along with the context of the Task Force and the calls from the Palestine Christian partners.

The resolutions with recommendations to the General Council from the Way Forward process.

GCE03–an embedded resolution that followed post the Task Force on Palestine (and Israel) to delay the resolution of the GCE04 the “principle based” non action resolution coming from the UCC’s Task Force

GCE04, the principle based but non action oriented resolution from the Task Force that ignored the input from its Palestinian partners and from Palestinians and those standing in solidarity with Palestine in Canada.

The information related to an emergency resolution and the emergency resolution brought forward regarding anti-semitism, while not address the actual resolutions from the church’s own regions in regard to justice for Palestine, and ignoring anti-Palestinian racism and islamophobia.

The six regional motions that the UCC tried to set aside, and failed, but then came back & tried again, ending up definitely postponing.