Trudeau must condemn Trump’s insane Gaza plan
On Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 Donald Trump repeated his call to ethnically cleanse Gaza and added that the US “will take over” the coastal strip....
On Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 Donald Trump repeated his call to ethnically cleanse Gaza and added that the US “will take over” the coastal strip....
Submission made to the UN call for input for the 58th Human Rights Committee.
Check out details about the business to charity Canada Israel Pipeline.
Investments in companies consider complicit with illegal occupation, war crimes and potentially genocides for two insurance companies, Intact and Manulife are included below. More will...
VanCity is has $173 Million USD invested in war crimes, including an investment in CISCO Systems which has a network of “digital hubs”...
As of December 31, 2023, Liuna Staff and Affiliates Pension Fund had almost $16 million invested in over 20 companies complicit with war crimes and potentially...
During the year, Just Peace Advocates led 28 campaigns with over 120K actions taken reaching more than 6K mailboxes. In most cases this work was...
25+ releases during 2023 sent to 2500_ media across Canada and internationally.
POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE Avis d'intention de poursuivre des responsables canadiens pour complicité dans les crimes de guerre à Gaza a été signifié aux membres du Cabinet...