
RELEASE: As Rafah burns, hundreds confront military and weapons company representatives at CANSEC arms fair in Ottawa

Ottawa -- A large protest is blocking the entrances to CANSEC, North America's biggest weapons and military convention. Hundreds of demonstrators are confronting representatives of Israeli and Canadian militaries and weapons companies over their complicity in the killing of more...

Institutions, investment and Palestinian human rights webinar, with focus on CDPQ & WSP, and pensions

Karen Rodman of Just Peace Advocates/the Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies participated in the RRSE and CISO webinar Institutions, Investment and Palestinian Human Rights on May 15. The webinar described that “This moment gave rise to rich exchanges...

Stop $1.5 billion to criminal state: CRA must investigate United Israel Appeal of Canada

On May 24, 2023, the international Court of Justice demanded Israel “immediately halt” its onslaught on Rafah and the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court announced that he’d seek warrants to arrest Israel’s PM and defence minister. Still, all...

$237.5 Million reported tax-payers subsidized fund to entities in Israel

According to an ATIP received by Just Peace Advocates from CRA in May 2023 In 2022, over 650 entities in Israel received more than $237.5 million from 190 Canadian charities. This is based on reported amounts to CRA on Schedule 2

Two Way Arms Embargo

Just Peace Advocates as one of the initiators of the original call for a two way embargo that saw over 80 organizations join several years ago, we are pleased to continue to support the call for a two-way arms embargo,...

Just Peace Advocates Stands in Solidarity with Students’ Call for Divestment

Just Peace Advocates stands in solidarity with the courageous students around the world, and those close to home, whose peaceful encampments, spirited rallies, and inspiring protests are focused on the demand that their universities divest from Israeli war crimes.

Key stakeholders call for withdrawal of controversial AI legislation

nearly 60 leading civil society organizations, corporations, experts and academics released an open letter to Innovation, Science and Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne, calling for the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) to be withdrawn and given a full public consultation. AIDA...

The CDPQ has investments of $14B in war-crimes-and-genocide-complicit companies even as the International Court of Justice considers Israel’s genocide in Gaza

The CDPQ December 31, 2023 year-end report includes over $14 billion of investments in companies complicit with Israeli war crimes and genocide. This represents just over 3 percent of the CDPQ total holdings of $434 billion.

La CDPQ a investi 14 milliards de dollars dans des entreprises complices de crimes de guerre et de génocide, alors même que la Cour internationale de justice se penche sur le génocide israélien à Gaza

Le rapport de fin d'année de la CDPQ au 31 décembre 2023 comprend plus de 14 milliards de dollars d'investissements dans des entreprises complices de crimes de guerre et de génocide israéliens. Cela représente un peu plus de 3 % du...

Demand Israel stop escalating violence that could spur World War III

Canadian officials immediately condemned Iran for launching missiles towards Israel, but they ignored Israel’s brazen war crime that elicited Iran’s reaction. In so doing, they are enabling Israel to escalate its violence on Iran and the region, which could spur...