Canada’s Security Council Defeat is a Win for Palestine

“The Trudeau government’s anti-Palestinian voting record at the UN undoubtedly contributed to its failure to gain a seat on the Security Council,” said Karen Rodman. “Those who support Palestinian rights should rejoice.”

Canada Security Council Defeat: International community rejects anti-Palestinianism

The Trudeau government’s anti-Palestinian voting record at the UN undoubtedly contributed to its failure to gain a seat on the Security Council. Deputy Minister Freeland said Canada would be an "asset" for Israel. Canada should be an "asset" for...

Canadian bid for UN security seat unnerved by over 1000 individual letters sent to UN ambassadors urging to vote against Canada due to anti-Palestinian record

It seems IK+ letters written to UN ambassadors has caught the attention of the Canadian government, desperate to advance their UN security council seat bid. Just Peace Advocates learned that on June 10, 2020, a letter from Canada’s United Nations...

#NoUNSC4Canada send letter to UN ambassadors

Take 2 minutes to let all United Nation Ambassadors know you join with civil society from around the world in criticizing Canada's anti-Palestinian record, and urge them to vote no to Canada in the upcoming bid for the 'Western Europe...

100+ organizations and dozens of prominent individuals urge countries to vote against Canada’s bid for Security Council seat due to anti-Palestinian positions

An open letter signed by an impressive list of organizations and individuals will be delivered to all UN ambassadors asking them to vote for Ireland and Norway instead of Canada for two seats soon to be available on the Security...


Despite its peaceful reputation, Canada is not acting as a benevolent player on the international stage. 100+ artists, academics and activists have said #NoUNSC4Canada. Join the at

Palestinian Refugees Must not suffer the Consequences of Alleged Misconduct

TAKE ACTION Join Just Peace Advocates in letting the Canadian government know that any action to suspend UNRWA funding is unacceptable, and leaves the Palestinian refugees to suffer the consequences of alleged...

Canadians Call for OMNI (Rogers) to STOP Artwashing War Crimes and Apartheid

TAKE ACTION We call on OMNI/Rogers to join with the majority of Canadians. The majority of Canadians support the Palestinian call for boycott of Israel, with 78% indicating this to be the...

Accessibility Tour to a State that Inflicts Disability and Violates International Law

TAKE ACTION I write because I am shocked, ashamed and saddened to hear of your recent trip to Israel to "learn about accessibility."

Arbitrary Detention is a Grave Violation of International Law and Human Rights Standards

TAKE ACTION Please write to the Canadian government asking that pressure be put on Israel in release these three individuals immediately from detention, and end the use of administrative detention.