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Military Recruiting by Foreign Government in Canada is Not Acceptable

Military recruiting on Canadian soil would seem to be in violation of Canadian law. The Foreign Enlistment Act R.S.C., 1985, c. F-28 indicates in regard to recruiting that: 11 (1) Any person who, within Canada, recruits or otherwise induces any person...


The IHRA definition of antisemitism is designed to silence criticism of the state of Israel and of zionism by equating this criticism with antisemitism.​  Just Peace Advocates joins in support of Independent Jewish Voices-Canada in #NoIHRA The real fight against...

Jerusalem: What Does Next Year Look Like in the Trump-Era? De-Palestinization of Jerusalem

Thank you to all those who supported with donations that allowed the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem attend the 40th Session in March and 42nd Session in September of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights in...

Your Support Makes a Difference for Youth of Wadi Yasoul Silwan

You Can Make A Real Difference in the Lives & Future of youth in Wadi Yasoul Silwan Through your support of the Leadership Summer Camp happening July 2019 the Al Bustan Association Silwan   and the Civic...

Jerusalem: Working for the Palestinian Rights of those in Al Quds

Just Peace Advocates works to support the work of the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem. This includes supporting The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem to attend the United Nations Commission for Human Rights Council in Geneva The youth...

Call on Canada to Ban Israeli Settlement Products and Services Entirely

Just Peace Advocates joins the  Palestinian international human rights organization, Al-Haq, in its call “on the Canadian Government and Parliament to take a stance against Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, in line with Canada’s obligations under international law including not to...

Canada Voting at the United Nations is an Embarrassment

Will Canada’s commitment to international law and to human rights for the Palestinian people will be reflected in its votes TODAY at the United Nations General Assembly? Just Peace Advocates was pleased to join Canadian Friends of Sabeel in this call...

ABC for UNSC Seat

ABC (Anyone but Canada) for the UNSC reminds us that the last 4+ years of Trudeau government has been just a “Harper Hangover.” There has been little substantial change since 2015, and so why should we expect a different outcome if...

No Military Law for Any Children Anywhere

Just Peace Advocates speaks out against military law being used regarding children. The Defense for Children International-Palestine campaign, No Way to Treat a Child, calls for no torture or ill treatment of children under military law.  Just Peace Advocates supports...