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Arbitrary Detention is a Grave Violation of International Law and Human Rights Standards

TAKE ACTION Please write to the Canadian government asking that pressure be put on Israel in release these three individuals immediately from detention, and end the use of administrative detention.

Canadian Government Called to Condemn Smear Campaign Against Al-Haq & Death Treats in regard to Human Right Defender

TAKE ACTION We call on Canadian Prime Minister Trudea to call on the Israeli authorities to immediately end any acts of harassment against Mr. Jabarin, Al-Haq and all the human rights defenders,...


Just Peace Advocates joins with the Canada Palestine Association, and other organizations to say: Join our EVENT page In the upcoming Canadian general election scheduled for October 21, 2019, we commit to vote for candidates and parties that: • Support Palestinian human...

Make Palestine Heritage Day a Reality in Canada

Thanks to the over 1500 people who signed this petition.  It was closed when the writ was dropped, however, we will look at moving forward with another petition early in the new government administration.


We, the...

Canadian companies complicit in military occupation and illegal settlement

WSP and Bombardier involvement in the Jerusalem light rail. The following letters have been sent by the counsel for Just Peace Advocates to two Canadian companies who have been documented for their complicity in the Jerusalem Light Rail.  We await...

Bombardier International

Electronic Intifada broke the story on May 9, 2019 The following letter has been sent to Bombardier thanking them for standing with international humanitarian law and war crimes, and also asking for clarification on the contract signed earlier for equipment. May...

Call to Christian Community in Canada

Read the June 2017 open letter from Christians in Palestine to the National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine (NCCOP) to the World Council of Churches and the ecumenical movement. Click Here

The letter expressed the urgent situation of the...

The CALL to the Church Leadership in Canada to Answer the Call from Christians in Palestine

Let’s get 1,000+ signatures before 2019 United Nations International Day of Solidarity with the people of Palestine, November 29. Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement pour une Paix Juste petition to the Canadian Council of Churches, the United Church...

Military Recruiting by Foreign Government in Canada is Not Acceptable

Military recruiting on Canadian soil would seem to be in violation of Canadian law. The Foreign Enlistment Act R.S.C., 1985, c. F-28 indicates in regard to recruiting that: 11 (1) Any person who, within Canada, recruits or otherwise induces any person...


The IHRA definition of antisemitism is designed to silence criticism of the state of Israel and of zionism by equating this criticism with antisemitism.​  Just Peace Advocates joins in support of Independent Jewish Voices-Canada in #NoIHRA The real fight against...