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Millions of letters sent to decision makers in 2024. Letters you can continue to send.

During 2024, Just Peace Advocates sponsored 50 letter writing campaigns, with almost 500K actions in reaching over millions of mailboxes.

Donors to fanatic pro-Israel lobby group get ‘charity’ tax receipts

NGO Monitor seeks to demonize groups opposed to apartheid and genocide and cut off government funding for groups that challenge its pro-apartheid narrative. After its...

Stop Killing Palestinian Children. Protect Palestinian Children Now.

We’re coming together to demand the Canadian government condemn Israel’s killing, injuring, and detaining of children. We support the call for Canada to impose a...

Honest Reporting Canada: Who are the Donors

The donors supporting Honest Reporting Canada.

Alberta Investment Management Corp. (AIMC): Investments (Sept. 30, 2024) in companies complicit with international law violations

In April 2024, we wrote to the Alberta Investment Management Corp. to ask them about their about half a billion USD direct investments in companies...

During recent stakeholder meetings, Canada Pension Plan ignores its $16 billion investment in war crimes and potential genocide

Take a moment to let the Canada Pension Plan know you demand they divest from companies complicit with war crimes and genocide. Write a letter Through...

Genocide as Charity: a critical look at the Mizrachi Organization of Canada

The work of the Mizrachi Organization of Canada shows how Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity are embedded within the Canadian charitable sector.

Tell ScotiaBank to Divest Completely from Elbit Systems!

We will not rest until they divest – Join the campaign to tell Scotiabank to complete their divestment from Israeli arms company Elbit! Scotiabank’s global asset...

Canada must protect Hassan Diab from hate crimes and death threats. Declare Diab’s innocence and refuse a second extradition.

Take one minute to send a letter to Carleton University administration and Board of Governors, by filling in the fields on the right. Tell them: Protect...

The University of Alberta invests in human rights violations in Palestine: it’s time for accountability

Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, is conducting an investigation into the involvement of non-state actors in the commission...