Author - Medjool

Statement of Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Just Peace Advocates expresses our full solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, including full support for an immediate independent inquest into the alleged murder...

Let the Canadian government know Palestine and Kashmir need justice

Two formal government petitions. Take 1-2 minutes to sign each of these calling for justice for Palestine and Kashmir.


Canadian civil society urges Canadian government to rethink its stance re the International Criminal Court in regard to Palestine

May 25, 2020 Toronto On April 29, 2020, 42 Canadian civil society organizations were among 183 Palestinian, Regional and International Human Rights Organisations that wrote to...

Human Rights Justice for Kashmir

Canadian civil society call on Canadian government in regard to COVID-19 and the grave threat to occupied Kashmir

11 organizations have sent a letter to the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, the Minister of Foreign Affairs calling on the Canadian government to urge India to: 1....

"Canada is an Asset for Israel" says Canadian government

Canada record at the UN in regard to Palestine speaks for itself

During the 21 st century, Ireland has voted YES 251 times and Norway has voted YES 249 times, and never NO in regard to United...



Despite its peaceful reputation, Canada is not acting as a benevolent player on the international stage. 100+ artists, academics and activists have said #NoUNSC4Canada. Join the...

Canadian MPs support No Way to Treat a Child call (June 2018)

In June 2018, 20+ Canadian members of Parliament supported the Defense for Children International Call to take action in regard to the use of military...