Author - Medjool

cbc where did palestine go

The CBC continues to insist Palestine is against CBC language standards

The CBC director of Jouralistic Standards has written to the 2K+ people who have written the CBC to express concern about the deletion of the...


NTV and the Telegram commended their coverage of ‘No Annexation Rally’ in St. John’s

40 people wrote letter to NTV and the Telegram to commend them for their reporting on the 'No to Annexation' rally at the Confederation Building...


CBC, the elephant you ignored in the UNSC defeat, the Israel factor

The Trudeau government’s voting record on Palestine at the UN undoubtedly contributed to its failure to gain a seat on the Security Council. However, the...

kashmir 1 year

Double lock down in the Kashmir valley—a year of military lockdown, compounded with Covid-19

While the rest of the world is focused on restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Kashmiris have been faced with a brutal human rights...

Signing of United Church of Canada and B'nai Brith Agreement, May 4, 1973

The long history of United Church of Canada appeasing the pro-Israel lobby

An overview of United Church of Canada (UCC) policy from 1948 to Present on Palestine

justpeaceadvocates palestiine advocacy

Stop Bill 168. Say no to IHRA in Ontario

Just Peace Advocates indicated to the clerk of the Ontario Standing Justice Policy Committee that should there be consideration to moving Bill 168 toward Third...

final coloured logo

Just Peace Advocates highlights from 2019/2020

Just Peace Advocates second year has proved to filled with many rich partnerships and much work in support of international law and human rights for...

East Jerusalem

A comprehensive look at 53 years of settler colonization in East Jerusalem

For the last 53 years of Israeli occupation and annexation, Israel has been implementing a systematic and will planed policies and practices of colonization and...

Amed Erekat courtesy

Canadian organizations join to send urgent appeal to UN Special Procedures on the wilful killing of Ahmad Erekat

Nine Canadian organizations join 83 organisations to send urgent appeal to UN Special Procedures on the wilful killing of Ahmad Erekat, Urging International Justice and...

Kashmir Day

Kashmir Martyrs’ Day, 89 years, and we remember July 13, 1931,

Today, July 13 marks Kashmir Martyrs' Day. On this date in 1931, predating the independence of India and Pakistan from British colonial rule by 16...