Author - Medjool

Canadian organizations join to send urgent appeal to UN Special Procedures on the wilful killing of Ahmad Erekat

Nine Canadian organizations join 83 organisations to send urgent appeal to UN Special Procedures on the wilful killing of Ahmad Erekat, Urging International Justice and Accountability for Israel’s Shoot-to-Kill Policy

Kashmir Martyrs’ Day, 89 years, and we remember July 13, 1931,

Today, July 13 marks Kashmir Martyrs' Day. On this date in 1931, predating the independence of India and Pakistan from British colonial rule by 16 years, 22 Kashmiris were gunned down in cold blood by the Hindu ruler's forces.

1972, the year the pro-Israel lobby realized it had to shut down the United Church’s work on Palestine

Assurance was provided to the pro-Israel lobby that the resolutions passed by the United Church of Canada in Saskatoon in 1972 would not be implemented. This involved stalling the sending of a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau for a meeting,...

The United Church tries to explain its half-century relationship with pro-Israel lobby

Rev. Dr. John Young on behalf of the United Church of Canada has provided a response to 100+ people who urged the United Church to renounce its agreement with B’nai Brith along with any other explicit or implicit agreements with...

Cooperation accord between United Church of Canada and B’nai Brith, May 1973

in August 1972, a very strong resolution in support of Palestine was passed by the church membership at its national general council meeting in Saskatoon. Senior leaders of the church engaged in talks with B’nai Brith following the 1972 General Council,...

Update on the Cable Car Legal Case in East Jerusalem

The Israeli High Court conducted a hearing about the Cable car Annexation project, on June 29, 2020. The families of Silwan await a decision. It is reassuring that on Juy 7, 2020, 57 Canadian members of parliament have said they oppose...

The Unholy Land by Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest

Attempts were made to silence editor of the United Church of Canada's Observer magazine, Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest when in 1973 the United Church of Canada signed an agreement with B'nai Brith. This is an agreement that continues to be...

The United Church of Canada Taskforce to respond to 2017 call of Palestinian Christians

The United Church of Canada policy on Palstine as of 2019, does not reflect the resolutions passed by grassroots church at General Council meetings over the last 50 years. Nor does it reflect the call from Christians in Palestine...

Statement to Toronto City Council regarding Toronto Police Services

Just Peace Advocates recognizes the role that military training tactics play in policing and condemn the training of Canadian police in Israel and Canada, and the role that the government and police leadership play in this regard. Read the letter...

Submission to the Ontario Police Oversight Review, 2016

In December 2016, a submisison was made to the Ontario Police Oversight Review. Those who sent the letter indicated that they strongly recommended that the Oversight Review consider the context of the militarization of police in the province; in particular,...