Call for Solidarity by Palestinian Christians

Signing of United Church of Canada and B'nai Brith Agreement, May 4, 1973

Christian organizations in Palestine were part of the 2005 civil society boycott, divestment and sanctions call, and have reached out for support over the last fifteen years including explicitly to the international Christian community. In June 2017, the 50-year mark of military occupation, The National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine (NCCOP) said “We need brave women and men who are willing to stand in the forefront. This is no time for shallow diplomacy Christians.”

Palestinians should not have to wait any longer to hear these words coming from Canada’s Christian communities. Anything less is a betrayal of the people of Palestine, and certainly not showing integrity to the Christian call from Palestine to the international community.

Most churches and Christian organizations are silent on Palestine. At General Council in 2003, a resolution was passed indicating that the United Church of Canada’s had recognized Israel as a Jewish stateUntil 2012, the United Church of Canada supported right of return as it afforded the people of Palestine in United Nations General Council Resolution 194. However, at General Council in 2012, as the controversy swirled about a tepid settlement boycott on a few selected products, the same resolution approved that right of return was accepted only if it did not impact the demographic integrity of Israel as a Jewish state.

Media coverage

Why Christians need to support Palestine, Karen Rodman, September 11, 2020, Spring Magazine

How 50-year church-Israel lobby alliance influenced Canadian policy on Palestine Karen Rodman, July 18, 2020, Crescent International

The United Church of Canada attempts to justify its relationship with pro-Israel lobby Karen Rodman, July 13, 2020, Canada Files

My struggle against United Church’s pro-Israel bias that undermines Christians in Palestine, Karen Rodman,  July 10, 2020, Crescent International

The long history of United Church of Canada appeasing the pro-Israel lobby, Karen Rodman, July 11, Canada Files

The United Church of Canada’s accord with B’nai B’rith prevents it from supporting justice in Palestine, by Karen Rodman, July 8, 2020, Mondoweiss

Analysis and Documentation

The United Church of Canada Taskforce to respond to 2017 call of Palestinian Christians (not provided on the United Church of Canada website)

The Unholy Land by Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest (available to download or print from PDF)

Cooperation accord between United Church of Canada and B’nai Brith, May 1973 (not available through the United Church of Canada)

The United Church tries to explain its half-century relationship with pro-Israel lobby

1972 the year the pro-Israel lobby realized it had to shut down the United Church’s work on Palestine

Just Peace Advocates response to the United Church of Canada’s taskforce: United Church of Canada called to Stand with Its Partners in Palestine, Yes Solidarity is Costly

Earlier item from Yves, Engler, July 2019, Palestine Chronicle, United Church of Canada Should Come Clean on Anti-Palestinian Accord

Photo Credit:

Photo credit; leaders of the United Church of Canada and B’nai B’rith sign a statement regretting their dispute over the the treatment of Palestinian refugees. (Photo Credit: Toronto Star Archives via Toronto Public Library)