650+ individuals call on Prime Minister Trudeau to say “No” to a second extradition for Hassan Diab

July 15, 2023: Since the original letter written by Michelle Weinroth, and endorsed by Just Peace Advocates, was delivered to Prime Minister Trudeau with 116 individuals including Michael Lynk, Chris Hedges, and others, there are now over 650 individual–activists, academics, lawyers, faith leaders, authors, and others–who have joined to sign this important letter. See the full last below. The updated list will be provided to Prime Minister Trudeau this week with a copy to Minister of Justice Lametti.

In the meantime, the main petition from the Hassan Diab Support Committee is approaching 10K signatures–being just a few hundred signatures less than 10K, we ask that people be sure and sign it in the next few days. Being able to provide a petition with 10K+ signatures is very important.

Sign petition

signer la pétition

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:

A second extradition request from France may or may not be forthcoming for Hassan Diab. If and when that request arrives on Canada’s shores, it will be in the form of a Record of the Case based on a guilty verdict arising from a sham trial, one held in a French court of no record.

A trial that lasts 3 weeks, and for which the verdict and its lengthy (31-page) justification are presented after a mere 24 hours, cannot be a deliberative process, but a “confirmatory hearing.” Clearly, the guilty verdict was predetermined. France’s 2023 Copernic trial was a travesty of justice.

Driven by political pressure to scapegoat an innocent man, the Copernic trial was bereft of official transcripts. Digital recording of the event was strictly forbidden. Whether testifying under oath or not, witnesses could lie with impunity since perjury in France is practically never punished. The civil parties and the prosecutors were allowed to vilify the accused, filibuster, and steal the defense’s speaking time. The presiding judge ignored the alibi and prosecutors suppressed vital exculpatory evidence. The entire process was beyond scandalous

The incriminating story, which French prosecutors touted throughout the trial, was a variation on a narrative France presented in 2008 to Canadian extradition authorities when Dr. Diab was first sought. In 2011, extradition judge Robert Maranger deemed France’s story indefensible. Teeming with contradictions, errors, and conjectures, France’s submission was not only confounding, it rested on unsourced and unsworn intelligence, unfit in a Canadian court. Working in collaboration with France, Canada’s extradition team, known as the International Assistance Group (IAG), was compelled to cast it aside, such was its shoddiness and illegitimacy.

But in 2023, French prosecutors brazenly resurrected the very tale they had presented to Canada in 2008 and which Justice Robert Maranger had repudiated in 2011. In short, that which Canada rejected more than a decade ago became France’s basis for sentencing Hassan Diab to life in prison in 2023.

With the aid of foreign intelligence, French authorities scripted a fictional scenario, wrought of unsubstantiated incriminatory claims, and a spurious theory of a “smoking gun” (a faded facsimile of a likely doctored-up passport, and for which there is no original) in order to deal the harshest blow to our most innocent fellow citizen.

But not all in France have stooped so low. Two honourable French investigative magistrates spoke truth to power. Steadfastly, courageously, and against external pressure, they declared (both in 2018 and in 2023), after more than three years of scrupulous inquiry, that there was no evidence to bring Dr. Diab to trial, leave alone convict him. A powerful alibi and exculpatory fingerprint proof had rendered void all allegations against this long-suffering man.

Mr. Trudeau, your remarks regarding the case of Hassan Diab – that Canada will always stand up for its citizens – yields hope, and the possibility that your words signal a salutary change in the Extradition Act—a defective law that is largely responsible for Dr. Diab’s disgraceful extradition to France in 2014. Such a change in the Act would, among other things, guarantee transparency, by prohibiting the suppression of exculpatory material and by disqualifying, from the start, extradition requests that submit unsourced and unsworn intelligence as evidence. This would save innocent lives from the torment of wrongful surrender to a foreign state and wrongful conviction in a foreign court. This would mean that Hassan Diab’s horrific ordeal would never, as you put it (5:00-5:15), happen again.

But for the 1999 Extradition Act to be truly transformed, this unjust Canadian law will require a powerful catalyst: it will need your intervention in the Diab Affair. You must set the precedent and say NO to a second extradition for this innocent Canadian citizen who has already paid heavily for a crime he did not commit.

Canadians from coast to coast are urging you to do the right thing and to do it now! Should you fail to act forthwith to save Dr. Diab from the ultimate nightmare, your unconscionable lapse will be burned in the memory of countless voters.


Monsieur le Premier ministre,

L’incertitude règne sur l’affaire Diab. La France va-t-elle demander une deuxième extradition pour notre compatriote ? L’idée même est intenable. Si la France présente sa demande, celle-ci sera basée sur un verdict de culpabilité préparé d’avance, une décision qui fut prédéterminée depuis longtemps et qui donna lieu à une parodie de la justice.

Un procès qui dure trois semaines, avec un arrêt dont la justification (de trente-et-une pages à simple interligne) arrive toute faite en moins de vingt-quatre heures, n’est aucunement un processus de délibération méthodique, mais une audience confirmative, débordante de paroles diffamatoires, bref, une escroquerie marquée par la mendicité, la manipulation et la désinformation.

Après quarante-trois ans, certaines forces politiques et parties civiles eurent besoin d’un bouc émissaire pour résoudre l’affaire Copernic. Pour en finir une fois pour toutes, il leur fallut insister pour que Hassan Diab soit condamné. Le procès fut donc une moquerie de la justice; il se déroula à l’insu du grand public, car l’enregistrement ainsi que la transcription de cette pièce de théâtre n’eurent pas lieu. Les témoins pouvaient mentir sous serment car le parjure en France est rarement sanctionné. Les parties civiles et les procureurs eurent le droit de vilipender l’accusé et d’usurper le temps de parole de la défense. Le président de la Cour d’assises ignora l’alibi et les procureurs nièrent toutes les preuves disculpatoires. Le tout fut plus que scandaleux.

Au cours du procès, les procureurs français vantèrent un récit qui sous-tendait la demande d’extradition que la France présenta aux autorités canadiennes en 2008. En 2011, le juge d’extradition, Robert Maranger, trouva le dossier d’extradition français lamentable, bourré de contradictions et d’hypothèses confuses. Le Groupe d’assistance international (une équipe d’avocats canadiens du Ministère fédéral de la Justice), qui collabora avec les Français, fut obligé de retirer une première version de ce dossier d’extradition. Ce dernier fut inacceptable selon la Cour canadienne car il reposait sur des sources anonymes.

Mais en 2023, les procureurs français réintroduisirent le récit que le juge Robert Maranger répudia en 2011 et qui sous-tendait le dossier d’extradition présenté au Canada en 2008. Autrement dit, ce que le Canada rejeta il y a plus de dix ans devint en 2023 le fondement de la condamnation d’Hassan Diab à la prison en perpétuité.

En puisant de l’information non-vérifiée dans des sources anonymes, les autorités françaises rédigèrent un scénario fictif, étoffé de déclarations culpabilisantes sans fondement, afin de porter le coup le plus dur à notre compatriote.

Mais les Français ne sont pas tous sans honneur. Deux juges d’instruction déclarèrent (aussi bien en 2018 qu’en 2023) après trois ans d’enquête scrupuleuse, qu’aucune preuve ne justifiait une inculpation de Hassan Diab, sans parler de sa condamnation à la perpétuité. Un alibi puissant et des preuves disculpatoires annulèrent toute allégation contre cet homme qui continue jusqu’ici à souffrir d’une persécution sans répit.

Monsieur, vos paroles quant au cas de Hassan Diab – notamment, que le Canada va toujours protéger ses citoyens –, donnent de l’espoir. Il se peut que vos mots signalent une transformation de la loi sur l’extradition – une loi qui est en grande partie responsable de l’honteuse extradition de M. Diab en 2014. Une transformation de la loi pourrait empêcher la suppression des preuves disculpatoires; elle pourrait garantir que des demandes d’extradition qui reposent sur des informations anonymes soient disqualifiées d’emblée. En effet, une loi transformée pourrait nous protéger, ainsi que toutes les personnes innocentes soumises à une extradition ou à une condamnation injustifiée dans les tribunaux d’autres pays. Cela voudrait dire (comme vous l’avez dit vous-même) que l’horrible sort que subit Hassan Diab ne se reproduirait jamais.

Mais pour que la loi sur l’extradition soit véritablement transformée, il faudra que vous interveniez dans l’affaire Diab. C’est à vous de créer le précédent. Vous devez dire “Non” à une deuxième demande d’extradition pour M. Diab. Car ce citoyen canadien a déjà payé cher — même trop cher — un crime qu’il n’a pas commis.  

Vos concitoyennes et concitoyens vous exhortent à agir maintenant. Si vous manquez à votre devoir, si vous ne protégez pas Hassan Diab contre la persécution de la Cour d’assises, les électeurs canadiens ne l’oublieront jamais.

Veuillez agréer, Monsieur le Premier ministre, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués et les meilleurs.

Link to those who had signed on June 15th when original letter was sent.

Below is the full list of signatures to be delivered to Prime Minister Trudeau this week

At this critical juncture, it is more important than ever to take action and call upon the Canadian government to protect Dr. Hassan Diab from another wrongful extradition.

Take action: https://www.justiceforhassandiab.org/

A AlejandroConcerned CitizenMississauga ON
Aaron KingTeacherCanada
Aaron LakoffIndependent Jewish Voices CanadaMontreal
Abal ReschlawyerNew York
Abbas KhanP. Eng. (retired)Richmond Hill
Adam IzakProf.Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Adrian DevlinIndividualScotland
Aftab ShariffPhysicianottawa
Afzal RahmanRetiredDDO, QC
Ahmad ElhajjPalestinian ActivistHalifax, Nova Scotia
AJ Choconcerned advocateUS
Ajay HebleProfessorGuelph, Ontario
Alain HicksonRetiredTerrebonne Quebec
Alan Conn StridphilanthropistArrowwood
Albert SoufanBusiness ManWindsor Ontario Canada
Alexander CampbellLay Chaplain, adult educatorOttawa, Canada
Allan BriesmasterauthorThornhill, ON
Allyson WattsAccountantWinnipeg, Mantioba
Alys McDonougheducatorMontreal, Canada
Amer El-BalaaMontreal
Amer SaabiPalestinianWestern Australia
Amin MaulaToronto
Amir El MasriScarborough
Amitav DashWriterGuelph
Andrea LevyPh.DMontreal
Andrea MeesonCommunications Professional; ActivistToronto, Ontario
Andrew Charles McGlashanLayman.Monbulk, Victoria, Australia.
Andrew ClementProfessorBritish Columbia
Andrew GlencrossMusicianHalifax
Andrew MillencitizenAustralia
Andrew ThompsonToronto
Ann FrederkingConcerned citizenOttawa
Ann Grantretired – Justice Institute of BCVancouver
Ann IsaacRetired nurseBC
Anna LippmanDoctoral candidateToronto
Anna ZalikAssociate Professor, York UniversityToronto
Anne ButtRetiredON
Anne Garciacollege professorAnn Arbor, MIchigan
Anne HogansonUnited Church ministerNova Scotia
Anne MilesretireeGibsons, B.C.
Anne TaylorFriend and concerned citizenOttawa, ON
Anneliese SchultzLecturer Emerita, UBCVancouver
Annette HortonRetired psychiatristGibsons BC
Annette LengyelCommunity organizerCalgary
Anthea WeeseAmnesty International volunteerCarrying Place , ON
Anthea WeeseAmnesty International volunteerCarrying Place ON
Aoife HazenArtistNew Brunswick
Arman ChakLawyerEdmonton
Asaad Al-HindawiFamily physicianOttawa, Ontario
Asem JanDoctorToronto
Ashley PringleArtistHalifax
Ashley TrexlerFamily FriendNY, USA
Asma BariViolence Prevention CoordinatorOntario
Azeezah Kanjilegal academic and journalistToronto
Bader Abu-ZahraEngineerOttawa
Bahija ReghaiCanadian citizenToronto
Barbara DickTeacherBelleville, ON
Barbara Morganretired rehabilitation consultantBritish Columbia
Barbara SchlaferCitizen advocateKingston, ON
Barbara Schumacherretired physicianRegion of Waterloo Ontario
Bassam ImamAuthorMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Berit BeinProfessorMississauga
Beryl PilkingtonProfessor Emerita, York UniversityToronto
Bethany DusenberryRetired RN and Col -Army Nurse CorpHendersonville NC
Betty-Jane AntanaviciusFormer medical technologist, volunteer,activistGuelph,Ontario
Bianca MugyenyiDirector, Canadian Foreign Policy InstituteMontreal
Bilal AlviBusiness professionalLondon
Bill ClennettcitoyenGatineau
Bill HoltpersonAustin, TX
Bill ReidRetired ITWinnipeg, MB
Bill SkidmoreRetired professorOttawa
Blanche RoyMilitante féministe syndicalisteGatineau Québec
Bob StuartRetired EngineerSpiritwood, SK
Bob ThomsonProfessional EngineerOttawa
Brad JollyLawyerUnited States
Bradley StrickerCanadian Sexagenarian, Hater of InjusticeMontreal
Brenda VellinoProfessorOttawa
Brian Panhuyzenauthor, software developerToronto
Brian RamirezOntario
Bruce E Batchelor PhDPhD Alberta history–ex federal employeeVancouver BC
Bruce KatzCo-President, Palestinian and Jewish UnityMontreal
Bruce McCullochProfessional Engineer, MBAHalifax
Bruce R AllenParalegalSt. Catharines, Canada
Brydon GombayRetired community psychologistOntario
Caitlin HendersonConcerned citizenCanada
Carl RosenbergTranslatorB.C.
Carol GreeneRetired librarianMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Carole MandelArtistToronto
Cassandra Ryanwriter, activisitToronto Canada
Cassim ParakEducatorwindsor,on
Catherine Garveyindividual citizenEdmonton
Catherine ScottCanadian citizenOntario
Catherine StroutHuman Rights ActivistNorth Carolina, USA
Catherine ZinkConcerned CanadianRocky View County, Alberta
Cathy TaflerArchitectToronto, Ontario
Chandni DesaiProfessorToronto
Charles BroughtonRetireeToronto
Charles SampsonRetired teacherSydney Forks, N.S.
Charlotte KatesInternational coordinator, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity NetworkVancouver
Cheryl GasterHuman Rights Lawyer (Retired)Toronto, Ontario
Chris HedgesJournalist, author, ordained minister
Christine lsobel JohnstonSocial worker, retired Adjunct professorVictoria BC
Christo El MorrProfessorRichmond Hill
Christopher AssadRetired Community LeaderOttawa
Christopher O’BrienRetired environmentalistToronto
Christopher SmithcitizenHubbards NS
Cindy NiceforoNMJPIThorold, Ontario, Canada
Claire Louise BidwellClaire Louise Bidwell TeacherScotland
Claire McAllisterWindsor
Clayton Mendonça Cunha FilhoPolitical Science ProfessorFortaleza
Clifford LuytPractising lawyer, retired Adjunct ProfessorToronto
Colleen FullerHealth Policy ResearcherVancouver, BC
Connie DucheneRegistered NurseNova Scotia
Corey BalsamNational Coordinator, Independent Jewish Voices CanadaMontreal
Corey SchadeLawyerUnited States
Craig Clarkteachercliffside park
Crystal WhitneyEducatorCalgary, AB
Cynthia WrightAssociate ProfessorToronto
Dale MarcellusRetired PapermakerPort Alberni, BC
Dan BlakeRetired teacherBC
Dan LafreniereUniversity administrator, retiredSt-Lambert QC
Danial AsadolahiHuman Rights AdvocateCanada
Daniel NashidLawyerToronto
Daphne StapletonToronto Raging GrannyToronto , Ontario
Darlene Ryann RieuxConcerned CitizenOntario Canada
Darrin W.L.HumanistCanada
David AbramowitzPeace ActivistOntario
David BeaudinMD FRCPCNew Brunswick
David BouvierRetired professorGabriola Island BC
David FraserConcerned citizenOttawa
David GershunyTruck driverToronto
David Harry TalbotChair of the Social Justice CommitteeComox, B.C., Canada
David Heap, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorLondon, Ontario
David HuntleyProfessor Emeritus, Simon Fraser UniversityBurnaby, BC
David LubellProfessor Emeritus, University of AlbertaWaterloo, ON
David MivasairrabbiHamilton, Ontario
David PetersMusicianSt. John’s
David R LowRetired ClergySt Catharines, Ontario
David R. FairnTeacherNova Scotia
David RifatProfessorVictoria BC
David SkulskiJew of conscienceNew Westminster, BC
Dawn Waring, PhDProfessorEdmonton, Alberta
Deborah BrockAssociate professorToronto
Deborah ConnersProfessor, Carleton UniversityOttawa
Deborah CowenProfessor, University of TorontoToronto
Deborah GutermanLawyerToronto
Denise LytleWoodbridge, NJ, USA
Dennis Choptiany– one time Liberal SupporterMarkham, ON
Desmond SequeiraGovt. Multi-Faith Chaplain (Rtd)St. Catharines ON
Desmond SequeiraMulti-Faith Chaplain (Govt ON) RtdNiagara ON
Diana RalphAuthor, teacher, social worker, JewOttawa, Ontario
Diane BlanchardUnited Church of Canada clergyAncaster
Diane GibeaultCanadian citizenOttawa
Diane McIntyreadvocateOttawa
Diane SkobergDVMBritish Columbia
Diane TouchetteRetired administratorCanada
Dianne LuchtancitizenNelson B.C
Dianne Vargawriter and editorNanaimo
Dimitri LascarisLawyerMontreal
Dimitris VogiannidisAthens
Dolores Hallprofessional (retired)Ottawa, ON
Donald J. Pratt, Ph.D.SociologistSan Mateo, California, United States
Donald ParkinsonRetired public servantOttawa
Donna Irene WilsonBA (Honours), Master of Divinity, Doctor of MinistryEdmonton AB
Dorothee MagesFamily ManagerCalgary
Dorothy FieldartistVictoria BC
Dorothy HenautArtistMontreal
Dorothy ParshallwriterON
Dr Abdul MalikProf (r)Toronto,ON.
Dr. David MaxwellProfessorMiddle LaHave, NS
Dr. Egbert HarmsenDoctor in Islamic StudiesThe Netherlands
Dr. Eric J. SchillerProfessor, Ret. University of OttawaOttawa, Ontario
Dr. Huguette HaydenRetired child and adolescent psychiatristBC
Dr. James DeutschFaculty of Medicine, University of TorontoToronto
Dr. M. Zimmerman,Professor emeritusOntario
Dr. Maher NajiDentistMississauga, ON.
Dr. Marjorie Moffatt SNJMActivistMontreal, Canada
Dr. Sandra BruneauAdministrator/instructor, retiredVancouver, BC
Dr. Sheila Delany, Emerita, SFUAuthor, professor, activistVancouver
Dr. Stefan KipferProfessorToronto
Dr. Susan DianeRetired, post secondary professorOntario
Dr. Susan DianePost-secondary professor (retired)Ontario, Canada
Dr/Professor Lorraine CodePistinguished Research Pofessor, PhilosophyToronto Ontario
Dyala HamzahProfesseureMontréal
E ShakerresearcherOttawa
Ed Leh-manpeace activist, retired educatorRegina
Edward MarchewkaRetiredOwen Sound, ON
Edwin JanzenArtist and WriterMontreal, Quebec
Elaine Marlinconcerned citizenOttawa
Elisabeth EckerretiredToronto
Elizabeth BlockActivist, artisanToronto ON
Elizabeth BoltonRabbiOttawa
Elizabeth BriembergBurnaby, BC
Elizabeth LeeSt Anthony
Elizabeth WhitmoreProfessor EmeritaOttawa
Ellen O. WasfiRetiredDover, DE USA
Ellie HallmanPsychotherapistCowichan Bay, Bc
Emily van der MeulenProfessor, Toronto Metropolitan UniversityToronto, Ontario
Enver DomingoRetiredOakville
Eric A.ProfessorQuebec
Eric MillsEditorToronto
Eric OliverConcerned citizenKitchener
Erik KarlströmTeacherSweden
Evelyn GigantesretiredOttawa
Evelyn PetkauRetired journalistManitoba
Evert HoogersRetired CUPW National Union RepresentativeOttawa
Farinah RConcerned CitizenOntario
Faune JohnsonCanadian retired teacherVancouver, B.C.
Faye MoffattRetired teacher, Lay preacherCapreol Ontario
Feliks WelfeldOttawa, ON
Fotini VogiannidiAthens
Frances CombsclergyToronto
Françoise CabanacArtiste lyriqueParis France
Frank HoldenCivil Rights ActivistSt. John’s
Friskjen van VeldhovenprofessorOttawa
Frtoz DeanReal Estate AdvisorVancouver BC
Gail StevensRetired educatorSherwood Park, Alberta
Gary MillsCanadian citizenTerrace BC
Gay RichardsonCommunity volunteerOntario
Geoffrey RouletAssociate Professor (retired)Kingston, ON
Gerry ChidiacWriter and educatorPrince George, BC
Gillian DarlingDocumentary filmmakerBritish Columbia
Gillian Wallace, PhDauthorOttawa
GJM VersteegdenCitizenNetherlands
Glenn MichalchukChairperson Peace Alliance WinnipegWinnipeg
Glynne EvansRetired ship’s officerSaanich
Godelieve SegersEnseignante de sciences humainesGatineau
Gordon LaxerProfessor Emeritus University of AlbertaGravenhurst ON
Gospodin, MackenzieLet justice /human rights -0prevailVancouver BC Canada
Graham NobleHuman rights activistPortsmouth, United Kingdom
Gregory GillisTeacherOntario
Guy PocklingtonRetiredBC
Gwen C DaviesAuthor, Plain Language ConsultantHalifax, Nova Scotai
H. EldinAcademicanRegina, SK
Haim Bresheeth-ZabnerAuthor, Academic researcherUK
Hamid ShaikhAccountantMississauga, Ont. Canada
Harry John SmallerToronto
Hazel BoyleToronto
Heather BesseyCitizenEdmonton, AB
Heidi FriesenTeacherCalgary, AB
Heike WierengaCitizenAlberta
Helen FarleyEdmonton Alberta
Helen Lofgrenretired teacherHalifax, NovaScotia
Helen Mayretired educator, author, grandmother.Vancouver, BC
Hélène Narayana PhDretired journalistMontreal
Helmut KuhnCitizen of CanadaOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Henry Beisselpoet, playwright, Distinguished Emeritus professorssorOttawa
Howard WoodhouseProfessor Emeritus and AuthorSaskatoon
Hussain G. SamatSurrey. BC
Ian GallimoreRetired Family PhysicianToronto
Ibrahim AlabdallahEngineerToronto
Ibrahim SaleemiStudent and amateur writerOntario, Canada
Ida C. HendersonRetired economist/biologist, federal pubic sevriceOttawa
Ida HersiConcerned CanadianToronto, Ontario
Imtiyaz AhmedMississauga, On
Irene AstellCanadian CitizenVancouver
J. K. LucasCommunity Health NurseHalfmoon Bay, BC
J. LeithwoodSupporterCanada
J.M. DyergeologistItaly
J.M.HorsfieldretiredB.C., Canada
Jack SilbermanDocumentary FilmmakerBritish Columbia
Jafar SamarraiRetired EngineerBrampton
Jake JavanshirRetired businessman.North York. Ont.
Jalal KawashProfessorCalgary
JamalManagerSurrey, BC
James DeutschAssistant Professor, University of TorontoToronto
James DickinsProfessorLeeds, United Kingdom
James KafiehLawyerOntario
James LongJames Long concerned citizenhilo
James ThomanCommon sense seniorHermitage Tn
Jan StevenChaplain, Social WorkerSt. Catharines, ON, Canada
Janan ChandlerMrs.Mississauga
Jane HuestonRetired LawyerCanada
Jane WilkinsonPhysicianOttawa
Janet Beckretired teacherCanada
Janet SiltanenProfessor EmeritaOttawa
Janice BuchananRetiredOak Point, New Brunswick
Janice PriceBScN Retired PHNOntario
Jason PrincePart-time Faculty, Concordia UniversityWestmount, Quebec
Jean HarndenRetired NurseOntario
Jean Lawrenceacademic editorVictoria, BC
Jean-Sébastien FalluProfesseurMontreal
Jean-Yves RiouxretraitéL’Assomption, Québec, Canada
Jennifer BirtwellRetired school psychologistVancouver BC
Jennifer Dawesconcerned citizenDuncan, BC
Jennifer StimacSecondary school teacher, retiredToronto
Jérôme Brassard-DuperréCitoyenGatineau
Jerry PendergastAuthorChicago IL USA
Jess BactivistU.S.
Jessie AmeryRetired teacherLondon Ontario
Jillian RoginAssistant ProfessorHamilton, ON
JimHuman Rights advocateToronto
Jim & Eva ManlyRetired Clergy , MP; Video MakerNanaimo, B.C.
Jo WoodRetired Professor of Psychology, Carleton UniversityOttawa, Ontario
Joanna M. McEwenRetired nurseBeiseker
Joanna MiazgaretireeEdmonton, AB
Johann FunkRetired ProfessorSurrey, B.C.
John AftiasCitizen of CanadaBritish Columbia
John BaglowWriterOttawa, Ontario
John ConwayHuman Rights ActivistUnited States
John FlysRetiredSchomberg, Ontario Canada
John IshmaelAuthorBrampton ON
John LissLawyerToronto
John M MooreRetired professorSalt Spring Island BC
John MullaneVictoria
John RiddellAuthorToronto
John Stuart McEwenRetired teacherBEISEKER
John W. FosterHuman Rights professorNepean, Ontario
John YoungPhDBC
Jonathan McPhedran WaitzerConcerned citizenMontreal
Jordan ThorntonWriter.Regina
Josefine SinghretiredCanada
Joyce HolwerdaCitizenIlderton
Judith DeutschPsychoanalystToronto
Judith HammilleditorGibsons, BC, Canada,
Judith WoukOrdained clergyOttawa
Judy FudgeRetired teacherNL, Canada
Judy Goldschmidthuman rights activistBritish Columbia
Judy HaivenRetired Professor, St Mary’s UniversityHalifax NS
Julia BarnettSupervisor, Region of Peel HealthToronto, Ontario
K. DrabekteacherVancouver
Kamal MattarMedical DoctorToronto
Karen RodmanBoard member Just Peace Advocates
Karim JbeiliKarim Jbeili psychologueMontréal
Karoline TruchonProfesseureMontréal
Kate ChunggrandmotherToronto ON
Kathleen Coppsretired teacherVancouver
Kathleen WoodleRetired teacherBritish Columbia
Kathy Barberretired public servantOttawa
Kayum BasithAccountantMississauga, Ontario
Keith RycroftKeith RycroftUK
Ken ClavetteRetired PensionerOttawa
Ken CollierProfessor (retired)North Bay, Ontario
Ken MiddletonTruckerKamloops, BC
Keri MacFarlaneSocial WorkerOntario
Kerry MewhortGeneral publicOliver, BC Canada
Kevin WalshWriterCT
Khaled BarakatPalestinian writer; co-founder, Masar Badil movementVancouver
Khaled BerrouaneNetwork EngineerFrance
Khaled LotfyStatistianRichmond Hill, ON
Khaled Loutfi MouammarFormer President, Canadian Arab FederationRichmond Hill
Khalil Fadl OsmanAuthor, International Conflict Resolution/Mediation SpecialistWindsor
khokonRetired CRA International Auditortoronto
Kurtis PetersLecturerVancouver
L OldfieldhousewifeBC
LA MelocheCitizenOntario
Lamargo PetersenCanadian citizenVancouver British Columbia Canada
Lancelyn Rayman-WattersLancelyn Rayman-Watters ActivistToronto
Larry B HarderAssociate Professor (Retired)Guelph, Ontario
Larry Brockelbankretired teacherMidland ON
Larry WartelsMA Urban Planning UCLA 1985Victoria BC
Laura MacdonaldProfessor, Political ScienceOttawa
Laura ScrimshawStudent opticianToronto, Canada
Lawrence SutherlandActivistWinnipeg
Len BrunkaRetireeNews Brunswick
Leo Anthony KucewiczConcerned CitizenPhoenixville
Leslee BalsamConcerned citizenOttawa
Leslie Singer Lomasretired editorColorado, USA
Lib SpryTheatre makerKingston
LindaCanadian citizenLondon On
Linda BelangerConcerned CitizenOttawa
Linda Dahmsretired occupational therapistOttawa
Linda GreenSupport Group MemberOttawa
Linda TweddellRetired teacherSaskatoon
Lindsey McKayAcademicB.C.
Lis GilagerTeacherKøbenhavn
Lise AuffrayRetired school teacherMoncton, NB
Lise Bergeronconcerned citizenMontreal
Lorna PaulsCitizenQuebec
Louis BéchardactivistMontréal
Louis KriesbergProfessor, Syracuse University , Diab mentorSyracuse, NY USA
Louise Blais PhDProfesseure retraitée, Université D’OttawaMontréal, Québec
Luis JacobAuthorToronto Canada
Luke PelotLuke PelotConquerall Bank
Lynette BondarchukSocial Justice AdvocateAlberta
M BlaisProfesseureQuébec
M H ForsytheRetired Worker in Natural FoodsOttawa Valley
M MankalCanadian CitizenOntario
M.Teresa PitarchRetiredValencia
Madeleine ByrnesPsychotherapistToronto
MaeRetired teacherOntario
Maeve McMahonAssociate Professor, Retired, Carleton UniversityOttawa
Maggie PanterRetired teacherToronto
Mahmoud AmereycitizenAlberta
Malcolm BlincowAssociate Prof. Emeritus, York UniversityToronto, ON.
Margaret E. SagarOrdained Minister United Church of CanadaTerence Bay, NS
Margaret HughesArtistKingston
Maria Christina ConlonOrdained Clergy, artist, community ministerToronto, Ontario
Maria KarsouAuthorCanada
Mariah GrauRetired professional biologistSilverton, BC
Mariam AbdallahIndividualCanada
Marie Lloydretired English teacher, member of the BCCLA,.Kingston, Ontario
Marie MeyerCanadian citizenOntario, Canada
Marie-Christine Lemieux-CouturesémiologueMontréal
Marie-Paule BrissonTeacherNelson, BC.
Marija MinicBiologistLas Vegas
Marilyn McKimHuman rights activistToronto
Marion JamiesonartistBC
Marjorie RobertsonRetired ProfessorOttawa, ON
Mark BrillretiredToronto
Mark FreyProfessionalOntario
Mark GoldsteinRetired teacherMississauga
Mark Hayduke GrenarB.A.Phoenix, Yuck, Sprawl, Arizona, U. S. A
Mark Muhannad AyyashProfessor of Sociology, MRUCalgary
Marlene CamobelkRetiredOttawa
Martha ReynoldsOrdained clergyOntario
Martha RothIndependent Jewish VoicesVancouver BC
Martin Fontaineagent de pastoraleMontréal
Marwan HassanauthorOttawa
Mary Girardclerk, Peace and Social concerns Ottawa QuakersrsOttawa
Mary HawkinsMSW, retiredBC
Mary Inga NoklebyRetired TeacherCalgary, Alberta
Mary Lou Jorgensen-BacherRetired government workerToronto, On.
Mary Louise AdamsProfessor, Queen’s UniversityKingston
Mary Petersretired teacherNanaimo, BC, Canada
Mary SherlockresidentVancouver, BC
Maurice Breslowauthor, playwright, professor (retired)Ontario, Canada
May PartridgeRetired university instructorCourtenay, B.C.
Meer Sahib P.Eng.Professional Enginer.London,ON
Meghan BeattyCitizenOntario
Merav WeinrothArtist and CaregiverMontreal
Merv Nicholsonprofessor retiredKamloops
Michael Alvarez-ToyeSpokesperson, Animal AdvocacyCalgary, Alberta, Canada
Michael Hurley
Michael LetwinFormer President, Assn. of Legal Aid Attorneys/UAW 2325Brooklyn, NY
Michael LynkProfessor Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario.
Michael O’BrienRetiredStratford
Michale RaskeAuthorToronto
Michel Abdel NourEntrepreneurQuebec
Michel CasselmanCitizenGatineau, Québec Canada
Michel HabibProfessorZurich
Michel SegerenRetireeKingston, ON
Michel Seymourprofesseur honoraire Université de MontréalMontréal
Michèle Ashbyconcerned citizen & social justice advocateNova Scotia
Michelle WeinrothWriter and teacherOttawa
Mikaela BenjaminConcerned Canadian & Global CitizenEdmonton
Mike CahillRetired head teacherChipping Norton
Mike McElroyAuthorToronto
Mike WheelerwriterUK
Milo MatthewsRetired RNSan Francisco
Miriam Meir .Retired Public Health Nurse JewishCalgary, Alberta, Canada
Moe SabawiMississauga
Mohamed ElmogyScientistAncaster
Mohamed RashwanCanadian citizenMilton
Mohamedtaki SaburCPA CMAVaughan, Ontario
Mohammed SeghirStudentUK
Mohsin Chowdhurycpa-cgaon
Mona KadriBusiness ownerCalgary, Alberta
Monica HarahyauthorToronto, Ontario
Morgan DambergsCopyeditorHalifax
Motaz DerhalliRetired HR professional and authorToronto, Ontario
Mounir ZaccakCanadian citizenOntario
MuazzamDirectorOttawa ON
Muhammad MemonMississauga ON
Muhanmad AfzalOntario
Murray LumleyRetired teacherToronto
Murtaza TharooCitizenBC
Musa IsmailPast President of BC Muslim AssociationSurrey, BC
Nadege CouaminStagiereMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Naheed GilaniPortfolio ManagerVancouver
Naima HanafiEdmonton, Alberta
Nancy Beachtruth seekerCanada
Nancy DitmarsRetiredYonkers, NY
Nasima Sultanamisslondon, uk
Nassim TalebCitizenMontreal
Nathan NielsenPhysicianUnited States
Nawal CoptySoftware EngineerOntario
Neil Cardew-Fanningmusician, justice advocateBritish Columbia
Nicola HallPsychotherapist and psychiatristFrome, UK
Nida MarjiConcerned CitizenOntario
Nima BasharatEducatorOntario
Noah HanmerAmerican allyBristol, RI
Noman BajwaHigh School TeacherOttawa, ON
Nora McKayTeacherToronto
Norbert MuellerTeacher (retired)Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany
Norm IbukiteacherOakville, ON
Norm MohamidRetiredToronto
NushiCanadian citizenOntario
Nyla MatukAuthorMontreal
Odette DabitOrdinary Canadian of Palestinian descentMilton, Ontario
Olga Asenciocitizenvancouver
Olwyn IrvingRetired PsychologistAbbotsford, B.C.
Onni MilneCitizenBritish Columbia
Osama AboelsoudOsama AboelsoudToronto
Pablo Voitzukolive oil consultantOakland, CA
Pamela A. ThomsonRetired judgeToronto, ON
Pamela CornellRetiredKingston, Ontario
Pat ColpittsRetiredRegina, SK
Pat O’ConnoresquireOntario
Patricia BarkervoterOttawa
Patricia GibbsConcerned citizenMoncton, NB
Paul LarsenTeacherLondon
Paul Leduc BrowneProfesseur associé, Université du Québec en OutaouaisOttawa
Paul MokhiberActivisrNiagara Falls
Paul Pughretired union leaderThunder Bay
Paul TetraultLawyerVancouver
Peter Goseprofessor emeritus, Carleton UniversityVictoria, BC
Peter Guntherretired archivistUSA
Peter MilroyRetired publisherVancouver BC
Peter MollerRetired professional engineerAlmonte, Ontario
Peter S McInnisProfessorAntigonish, NS
Peter WilsonCanadian CitizenAlberta
Philip Edward Kyrle Symons, Ph.D.Philip Edward Kyrle Symons, Ph.D.Victoria
Philip FernandezClergyKitchener, Ontario
Prof. Don RayProfessor EmeritusCalgary
R. GarveyConcerned CitizenEdmonton Alberta
Rachel AnjorinPhDLiverpool, NY
Rachel SmallOrganizer, World BEYOND WarCanada
Radi AnnabConcerned citizenToronto, Ontario
Rak BibiStudentUnited kingdom
Ralph Carl WushkeclergyToronto
Rana IsmailLawyerStoney Creek
Rana KattanBank clerkMontreal
Rashmi LutherProfessor of Social Work (retired)Ottawa
Ray CageHuman beingTucson, AZ
Reem Abdul QadirPsychotherapistToronto
Reuben RothProfessor EmeritusOshawa, Ontario
Rev. David LowRetired ClergySt Catharines
Rev. Dr. A. H. Harry OussorenClergy United Church of Canada (ret.)Ottawa
Rev. F. Mark Meaaing, Ph.D.Clergy, Retired professorMeadow Creek, B.C.
Rev. Marilyn MacDonaldordained clergyNova Scotia, Canada
Richard CampbellProfessorToronto
Richard DarvilleProfessor, retiredOttawa
Richard ThoreauRetiredVictoria B.C.
Richyl HConcerned CanadianAlberta
Rita Donovanwriter, university instructorOttawa
Rita MacDonaldRita MacDonaldSaskatoon
Rita MeuerInterested PartyUnited States
Rob HeynenProfessorToronto, Ontario
Robert ArgueProfessor Emeritus,Sudbury, Ontario
Robert McDonaldRetired civil servantMontréal
Robert ViauCanadian citizenToronto, Canada
Roger ClarkHuman rights & climate activistOttawa
Ron MittanConcerned IndividualAlbuquerque, New Mexico – USA
Ron MittanIndividual concerned with issues of justiceAlbuquerque, New Mexico – USA
Ronald SquiresRetired public school principalOttawa, ON
Rosemary BrownCommunity activistCalgary, Alberta
Rosemary LoweConcerned citizenOttawa
Rox ChwalukActivist, EducatorSt. Catharines, ON
Ruth ChessonCitizenBritish Columbia
Ryan HillierCanadian citizenNew Brunswick
S. AliRetired Health ProfessionalToronto
S. KeedianCitizenWinnipeg, Manitoba
S. RansRetiredLondon, Ontario
S. RayesRetiredOttawa
S.M.SimpsonhumanBritish Columbia
Saadia KhanCivil engineerBC
Saeed IraniProfessional EngineerCanada
Sage WalkerSpiritual EducatorToronto, Ont.
Sajjad SarwarCitizenMontreal
Saleem TopiwalaAccountantKitchener
Sally CampbellRetired lawyer/mediatorHornby Island, BC
Sally LivingstonConcerned citizenTiohtià:ke/Montreal
Sam ChoukeirretiredOntario
Samaa ElibyariCommunity ActivistMontréal
Samir SabatM.A.Sc.Toronto
Sandra BendercitizenOntario
Sandra CurriePodcasterCanada
Sandra ShatillaRetireeMontreal
Sandra SjollemaPh.D.Montréal
Sandra SummersRetired NurseManitoba
Sarah MaxwellStudentMontreal
Sarah Nielsen-JonesConcerned Canadian citizenKitchener, Ontario
Sarah PetiteartistFredericton, NB
Saroosh IqbalAuthorOntario
Sayeed RetaRetired ProfessionalOttawa
Sébastien De MarreCanadian citizenNelson, BC”
Seham ZimmoLecturerLondon
SereenConcerned citizenOntario
ShadiConcerned CitizenCalgary
Shahira HafezRetired medical doctorMississauga
Shahrzad MojabProfessorUniversity of Toronto
Sharon AndersonsupporterToronto
Sharon BakerAnabaptistUSA
Sharon BurnsVancouver
Sharon KatzConcerned (horrified) citizenOttawa
Shaukat ShaikhEngineeringAjax , Ontario
Sheikh HassanOakville
Sheila DunnachieConcerned citizenMayne Island, BC
Sheila HulfordteacherGREENWOOD
Sheila Prattcitizen, ret’d teacherMaple Ridge, BC
Sheryl NestelProfessorToronto
Sid ShniadFounding member, Independent Jewish Voices CanadaSurrey, B.C.
Simon Clutterbuckconcerned personnova scotia
Simon VrouweNederlands
Stephanie AgostaCommunity memberQuebec
Stephen AberleActorVancouver, BC
Stephen CrozierTeacherWhite Rock, BC
Steve OvertonActivistLeicester
Steven BarringhamRetiredCanada
Stuart A RossPsychologist (r)Guelph Ontario Canada
Sue CarduelisSue Carduelis, concerned citizenCanada
Sue Horwoodconcerned CanadianOntario
Sue Sibany-KingPSC branch officerSlough. England
Susaan AramSentient beingUnited States
Susan CzarnockiretiredMontreal, Quebec Canada
Susan Jane SpronkProfessorOttawa
Susan RidleyRetired TeacherCalgary
Susan RuziccitizenVancouver
Susan StoutretireeBC
Susan Walpretired forest ecologistCranbrook BC V1C 2V9
Susan Whiteretired university lecturerWinnipeg, MB
Susan ZanderRetired Worker AdvocateBurnaby
Suzanne WeissAuthor, Holocaust survivorToronto, Ontario
Syed AhsanConcerned CanadianMarkham, ON
Syed Shamsud DohaIndividualToronto
Sylvia DyerRetired librarian and RNVictoria, BC
Tarick MirzaCEOHamilton
Temoore BaberTechnicianToronto
Terrance JamesPhDBC
Terry EnglerVancouver
Terry KormanTeacherAlberta
The Rev. Dr. Anne Quickordained clergyOntario
Theresa BrennerCanadian citizenToronto, ON
Thomas D. Gardnerretired psychologistPointe-Claire
Thouria BekkaMontreal
Tiana BrachelPrivate CitizenUnited States
Tim McSorleyNational Coordinator of International Civil Liberties Monitoring GroupOttawa, Ontario
Tina LiakopoulosConcerned citizen for justiceCanada
Tony SalehArtistCanada
Travis FramptonRegistered NurseElora, Ontario
Travis FramptonRegistered NurseElora, Ontario
Trevor Goodger-Hillwriter and poetTrottier Mills, Québec
Turner Bogoslowskiconcerned citizenBarrie, Ontario
Valerie Van ClieafauthorHope, BC
Vanessa PasqualettoartistVancouver
Vannina SztainbokResearcherToronto
Vera Szokeconcerned citizenToronto, Ontario, Canada
Veronika Jolicoeurcitoyenne choquée par l’injusticeMontéal, Québec, Canada
Vic Neufeldretired fruit growerVirgil, Ontario, Canada
Violet RosengartenArtist & Art EducatorDartmouth, Nova Scotia
Virgene Link-NewVirgene Link-NewAnacortes
W. T. BeckettHuman Rights ActivistSt. John’s
Wahid KhanWahid KhanToronto
Waseem GhuraniInsurance agentNorth Vancouver
Wayne WheelerCitizenBowser BC
Wendy GichuruHuman rights activistOntario
Wendy NiemetzPublic Education teacher(retired)Red Deer, Alberta
Wes Kmetconcerned citizenKelowna B.C
Wilf RenneckeCanadian citizenPowell River, BC, Canada
William Gawne JrRetiredNorth Riverside, Illinois
Wolfe ErlichmanActivistGodfrey, ON
Xan DagenaisCommunications and Research Coordinator, International Civil Liberties Monitoring GroupUnceded Algonquin territory/Ottawa
Yves EnglerAuthorMontreal
Yvonne SchmitzSocial WorkerCalgary AB
Zamoludeen JabarCanadian CitizenAjax, Ontario, Canada.
Zeid ZakariaEngineerNorth Vancouver

25+ organizations

Bathurst United Church
Belgian Academics for Palestine
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Edmonton Small Press Assn
Independent Jewish Vocies
Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
Justice For All, Canada
Knowledge Track Inc.
Let Kashmir Decide
Masar Badil: Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement
Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
OPIRG- Carleton
Palestine House
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
Peace Alliance Winnipeg
People for Peace, London
Regina Peace Council
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
World BEYOND War

Photo credit (top photo): Hassan Diab Support Committee